Monday, January 8, 2007

Kevin Sees an Improvement! (1/8/07)

So yea, today is January 8th and I think I'm doing pretty damn good so far. Hm, I'll try to look back, nah, nevermind. Well I've improved already, I can tell. I'm very good playing alone on the first string, lol. (That's as simple as it gets though). And I'm getting better on the second string day by day. Today I started getting into the third string just a bit, but not so much. I don't want to jump ahead unless I got the other stuff down. I haven't worked on chords too much, because I think it's far more important taking smaller steps first. I've experimented a lot too. A few days ago I bent the first-third strings on like the 15th, 16th, or 17th frets and plucked away which made it sound so similar to a harp. And I like doing some bouncy thing that's kinda pschydelic on the sixth string. Well, yea, I don't feel like writing too much right now. I'll have another entry tomorrow. Oh wait, I'm doing pretty well so far reading standard notation music. I can play Jingle Bells perfectly sometimes...but then other times if I'm not warmed up (like today), I suck at it. But yesterday I played it great. I have a problem with it because I'm still working on mentally knowing where to put my finger to hit the 2nd string. I look sometimes, but other times I have to read the music and I can't really look at my left hand. (A matter of a fact, the time I did great at the song, I didn't look at my left hand once, so I guess that's a good sign) Yup, that's it for today.

1 comment:

Gangeli said...

glad you decided to make it in to a blog. i, for one, will be reading.

not a huge fan of the black though. kind of find it hard to read. but, i'm old :)